February 8, 2015


Jonah wasn’t feeling well, so there aren’t many pictures.  We got all the nutplates in the spar web installed, as well as some aileron bellcrank support fabrication, and much wing rib deburring and fluting.


Berck: 8 hours, Randy: 8 hours


Wing Spar Countersinking Complete


My shoulder hurt for a week.IMG_20150207_153449


These spars are really long.IMG_20150207_145518786

Measuring every freaking hole is probably overkill, but 1/20 weren’t deep enough the first time.IMG_20150207_145542307


Non-optional priming of areas where anodizing was removed by the countersinking.  Q-tip dipped in primer sprayed into cup from rattle can.IMG_20150207_155502451




.032″ “scrap” (we didn’t have any, had to order some), drilled, dimpled and turned into gauge.IMG_20150207_161834638

If I’m going to have to prime the areas the anodizing was removed, I might as well prime the inexplicable 5″ spar extension.IMG_20150207_171825986


Berck: 9 hours, Jonah: 2.75 hours