Deburring, dimpling, countersinking.

After disassembling everything that we’ve assembled so far, I dimpled, deburred, and countersunk.  Not very exciting, so no pictures to show.  I’ve got some more of that to do before I can put it all back together, which I hope to get done this week.  Then Randy and I can start riveting next weekend.

Berck: 2 hours.

Progress! Pictures!

Spent the entire day on the airplane.  Randy’s sadly out of town this weekend, so it was mostly me and then Joanna showed up to help at a very appropriate time.

Most of the morning was spent deburring.  Then I was able to assemble the entire vertical stabilizer skeleton and match drill the holes…

Then the exciting part!  Several hours of work for one sentence of instructions: “Cleco the skin to the skeleton.”  Got that done, match drilled the holes in the skin, and pulled it all apart.  Deburred and dimpled the skins and the skeleton.

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Jonah managed to give herself a blister cleco’ing, and I think she’s gotten pretty good at hole deburring.

I’ve got some countersinking to do, still, then I can cleco the thing back together.  I’ll probably wait for Randy before I start pounding rivets, but this is exciting looking progress.

It’s easy to start thinking you can have a whole plane assembled in no time when you start seeing things that look like airplane parts on the workbench.  But from looking at other’s build logs, we’ve got a very, very, very long road ahead of is.  Fortunately, I’m enjoying it.

Berck: 10 hours, Jonah: 5 hours.