Spent the entire day on the airplane. Randy’s sadly out of town this weekend, so it was mostly me and then Joanna showed up to help at a very appropriate time.
Most of the morning was spent deburring. Then I was able to assemble the entire vertical stabilizer skeleton and match drill the holes…
Then the exciting part! Several hours of work for one sentence of instructions: “Cleco the skin to the skeleton.” Got that done, match drilled the holes in the skin, and pulled it all apart. Deburred and dimpled the skins and the skeleton.

Jonah managed to give herself a blister cleco’ing, and I think she’s gotten pretty good at hole deburring.
I’ve got some countersinking to do, still, then I can cleco the thing back together. I’ll probably wait for Randy before I start pounding rivets, but this is exciting looking progress.
It’s easy to start thinking you can have a whole plane assembled in no time when you start seeing things that look like airplane parts on the workbench. But from looking at other’s build logs, we’ve got a very, very, very long road ahead of is. Fortunately, I’m enjoying it.
Berck: 10 hours, Jonah: 5 hours.