Some Tailcone Assembly.

We spent a lot of time mulling over the bad dimple, researching, and making it worse.  We got as far as we could without making a decision, because we wanted to wait to hear from Van’s.  We did get the F-1010, F-1011, and F-1012 bulkheads with their various bits riveted together, but sadly no pictures.


Berck: 4 hours, Randy: 4 hours, Tracey: 4 hours

Tailcone Deburring / Dimpling.


Deburring and dimpling tailcone parts.  It’s more boring than it looks.

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Cynthia also helped, but sadly, she had given up and was inside napping by the time Jonah took pictures.

Berck: 4.5 hours, Randy: 4.5 hours, Tracey: 4.5 hours, Cynthia: 1 hour.