I mentioned it before, but it’s huge. Up until this point, it’s easy to forget that airplanes are large. This spar is about 12 feet long.
We spent most of the day deburring the front and rear spars for the horizontal stabilizer. These are the longest single parts in the tail kit. Ours were poking out of the crate that FedEx destroyed, so these are actually the replacements. They came right about on time.
I’m really unsure how much deburring is actually necessary. Randy thinks I’m making too big a deal about it, as I want to make sure that the surface is absolutely smooth with no visible pits. He’s content as long it feels smooth and you can’t catch anything with a fingernail. He’s probably right, but then my fingernail seems to be more sensitive than his. So much of building this airplane seems to be this way: how much is enough? You can always find someone who does more and someone who does less. And if you spend too much time trying to find the right answer on the internet, you’ll never get the plane built.
I keep telling Randy that none of this matters, because to hear some folks tell it, we’re just going to find a pile of aluminum oxide in the hangar where our airplane used to be because we’ve decided not to prime the interior surfaces.
There’s not much in the way of exciting pictures from today, because deburring is even more boring to photograph than to perform. Also, the Cleco Vixen usually photographs us, but she apparently had more amusing things to do today.
I now have several pieces of aluminum functioning as tattoos in my fingers. I’m not sure if I should be concerned about this or not.
Rear Spar Doubler muchly riveted:
Sorry Tracey, no action shots of Randy today simply because I forgot.
Berck: 10 hours, Randy: 8.5 hours.