We’re still waiting on bits to wire the rudder trim, so we started deburring parts for the horizontal stabilizer.
Randy spent a long time with spar doublers. Now he knows the pain.
I cut the two brackets that hold the horizontal stabilizer on, out of some aluminum angle. The shape is quite difficult. I wound up 1/32″ short. It’s okay, I only spent several hours on them. There are some pre-made ones on the internet for $25. I’m just getting those.
I did start on the spar caps. Parts for the horizontal stabilizer are long. The horizontal stabilizer is 14 feet. It’s starting to become more obvious that this is a big airplane. I finished 2 of them, 4 more to do:
Berck: 6 hours, Randy: 6 hours.
Airplane parts are big in general, I never realized it until I had to drive one somewhere. The horizontal stab for a Cessna 152 is 2 feet longer than my truck bed!